Cataract, Eye Surgery, Eye Treatments, Glaucoma, Laser Eye Surgery, News
On Saturday March 18, 2017 Dr Spero Kinnas was one of the Guest Faculty presenting at the Northwestern University Cataract Symposium. The symposium was put together to discuss the latest techniques and technological advances for the surgical management of cataracts. Apart from guest faculty and professors from Chicagoland universities, in attendance were experts from the […]
Laser Eye Surgery, LASIK
The cornea is the outermost surface of the human optical system. The healthy cornea not only allows a clear pathway for images to focus in the eye but is also the first protective barrier of the eye. The shape of the cornea contributes to the optical properties of the eye. Corneal topography is a computer […]
Cataract, Eye Surgery, Laser Eye Surgery, LASIK
CATALYS® Femtosecond Laser (FSL) is a 21st century technology that can provide an innovative level of exactness to portions of cataract surgery. Its availability for eye surgery offers the opportunity to bring greater patient safety for during of cataract operations. CATALYS® FSL Catalys® Laser System The CATALYS® Precision Laser System has to be differentiated from other types of femtosecond lasers. […]
Eye Surgery, Eye Treatments, Laser Eye Surgery, LASIK, Ophthalmology Clinic, Outpatient Surgery
Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) is a modern optical laser surgical method that reshapes the eye allowing clearer focus to produce better vision. It is available for patients that have myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), or astigmatism (a cornea with unequal curves). During LASIK surgery a corneal flap is fashioned and a thin layer of corneal tissue is […]
Cataract, Eye Surgery, Eye Treatments, Laser Eye Surgery, Outpatient Surgery
In many ways the eye operates similar to a camera. Light rays focus images via our natural lens on the light-sensitive retina in the back of the eye. The retina processes these images sending information to the brain creating vision. Cataract degradation of the natural decreases vision. Cataract surgery and replacement of the degraded natural […]
Cataract, Eye Conditions, Eye Surgery, Eye Treatments, Laser Eye Surgery, LASIK, Outpatient Surgery
WHAT IS THE FEMTOSECOND LASER (FSL)? The femtosecond laser is a medical device that has been available for many purposes for over 15 years. Recently the FSL was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to perform some of the steps of eye surgery to remove a cataract or cloudy lens. Femtosecond Lasers are also […]
Eye Surgery, Eye Treatments, Laser Eye Surgery, LASIK
La palabra “láser” es un acrónimo para “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emmission of Radiation” [Amplificación de luz por medio de la emisión estimulada de radiación]. El láser es un rayo concentrado de luz, creado cuando una corriente eléctrica pasa através de un material especial. Usado en la cirugía del ojo desde principios de la década […]
Eye Conditions, Eye Surgery, Eye Treatments, Laser Eye Surgery, LASIK, Outpatient Surgery
La Degeneración Macular Relacionada con la Edad (DMRE) es una de las causas más comunes de mala visión después de los 60 anos de edad. DMRE es un deterioro de la mácula. La mácula es un área pequeña localizada en el centro de la retina, en la parte posterior del ojo, que nos permite ver […]