Eye Conditions, Eye Treatments, General, Health, Ophthalmology Clinic
Bell’s palsy is a disorder of the facial nerve, the seventh cranial nerve. This condition causes partial paralysis on one side of the face, affecting the muscles of facial expression. Bell’s palsy usually occurs in adults and develops suddenly. Symptoms of Bell’s palsy include the inability to smile on one side or close one eyelid […]
Eye Surgery, Eye Treatments, Laser Eye Surgery, LASIK
La palabra “láser” es un acrónimo para “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emmission of Radiation” [Amplificación de luz por medio de la emisión estimulada de radiación]. El láser es un rayo concentrado de luz, creado cuando una corriente eléctrica pasa através de un material especial. Usado en la cirugía del ojo desde principios de la década […]
Cataract, Eye Conditions, Eye Treatments, Health, News
While our practice will not be prescribing or dispensing medical cannabis (marijuana) for the treatment of eye pressure (glaucoma) we feel our patients should be informed about certain issues regarding the dispensing of cannabis for eye health purposes. Pros Medical cannabis can effectively lower eye pressure in patients with glaucoma. Cons The eye pressure lowering effects […]
Eye Treatments, General, Health
Hemifacial spasm (HFS) is a condition that causes involuntary contractions of the muscles on one side of the face. The disorder occurs in both men and women, usually beginning in middle age. Symptoms often begin as a twitching of the eyelid and may gradually spread to involve the muscles of the lower face. The condition […]
Eye Conditions, Eye Treatments, General, Health, News
Complaints of eye discomfort and fatigue are becoming more common as the use of computer screens increases. While it is true that computer screens can cause eyestrain, there is no convincing evidence that they can harm the eyes. Some people fear that computer screens emit damaging ultraviolet (UV) light or radiation. The amount of UV […]
Eye Conditions, Eye Treatments, Health, Ophthalmology Clinic
The retina is a layer of light-sensing cells lining the back of your eye. As light rays enter your eye, the retina converts the rays into signals that are sent through the optic nerve to your brain, where they are recognized as images. The macula is the small area at the center of your retina that allows […]
Eye Conditions, Eye Surgery, Eye Treatments, Laser Eye Surgery, LASIK, Outpatient Surgery
La Degeneración Macular Relacionada con la Edad (DMRE) es una de las causas más comunes de mala visión después de los 60 anos de edad. DMRE es un deterioro de la mácula. La mácula es un área pequeña localizada en el centro de la retina, en la parte posterior del ojo, que nos permite ver […]
Diabetes, Eye Conditions, Eye Treatments, Health, Ophthalmology Clinic
The thyroid gland, located in the front of the neck, produces hormones that regulate your body’s metabolism (the process by which the body transforms food into energy). In a small number of people, the thyroid gland produces either excessive hormone, inadequate hormone, or it inadequately regulates thyroid hormones. An overproduction of thyroid hormone is often […]
Eye Conditions, Eye Treatments, Health
One’s first encounter with the herpes zoster virus is usually childhood chicken pox. Later in life, the virus may reactivate, causing a characteristic rash of small blisters, frequently on the chest or forehead, which form crusts and may leave scars. This second encounter with the virus is commonly known as shingles. Unlike chicken pox, shingles […]